Update Office Setup Media

You can also use OSDUpdate to add Office Updates in MSP format to your installation media.

Clear Existing Updates

You should have a Application or Package directory with your Office Setup source files. It should look something like this

This looks good. If you have a custom MSP for installation of Office, you can leave that. The red arrow is the path that you will need


You will need to create a New-OSDUpdatePackage and OfficeSetupUpdatesPath parameter (to the red arrow above)

This is what the Command should look like

New-OSDUpdatePackage -PackageName "Office 2016 64-Bit" -PackagePath "D:\OSDUpdate\Office\Office 2016 64-Bit" -OfficeSetupUpdatesPath "D:\MDT\Applications\Microsoft Office 2016 64-Bit\updates"

The console output will be quite lengthy

With the proper MSP files added to the Updates directory

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