New-OSDUpdatePackage will create a directory based containing grouped downloads. This can be used to create a Package in ConfigMgr or an Application in MDT. Additionally, an Update and an Install Script will be added to the created directory
<#.SYNOPSISCreates Package Bundles of Microsoft Updates.DESCRIPTIONCreates Package Bundles of Microsoft UpdatesRequires BITS for downloading the updatesRequires Internet access for downloading the updates.LINK PackagePathPackage Content will be downloaded into the PackagePath.PARAMETER PackageNameThe name of the OSDUpdate Package. These values are predefined.PARAMETER AppendPackageNameDownloads Updates in the PackagePath in a PackageName subdirectory.PARAMETER GridViewDisplays the results in GridView with -PassThru. Updates selected in GridView can be selected.PARAMETER OfficeProfileDownloads Office Updates with the selected Profile.PARAMETER OfficeSetupUpdatesPathUpdates Directory for Office Setup.PARAMETER RemoveSupersededRemove Superseded Updates.PARAMETER SkipInstallScriptSkips adding $PackagePath\Install-OSDUpdatePackage.ps1.PARAMETER SkipUpdateScriptSkips adding $PackagePath\Update-OSDUpdatePackage.ps1#>